Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Back At It!!

Today I'm back to working on the Yellowstone book. I'd taken about a week off from looking at it. I had finished a bunch of layouts last week and was feeling burned out on it, so I put it off to the side for a few days and didn't think about it. Sometimes taking a break from a project is good - it clears your mind which helps motivate you to pick it up again! Losing motivation to work on scrapbooking can be complete and unexpected. As much as I may love what I'm working on, I just don't want to look at it anymore. Like at all. But after a break, I can't wait to get back to it!

So instead of the trip pages, I worked on some holiday pages from last year that needed to get done - Halloween and Christmas Eve. Since I had pulled supplies for these pages earlier and had them ready to go in my project bin, I got them done fairly quickly.  

Halloween ended up being only 2 2-page layouts, while Christmas Eve turned out to be 6 2-page layouts. I still have to do Christmas Day, but I'll save that for another time. Right now, I'm back to the Yellowstone pictures. 

I have 3 more sets of photos to do from that park, and today I wanted to finish up the layouts from one particular section of the park. With the number of photos I had, it ended up being 6 2-page layouts. Here is the first of the visitor center:

We also took a lot of photos along the shore of Lake Yellowstone. I decided to keep these layouts pretty simple and serene, since that morning on the beach we were the only ones there - it was very clam, peaceful, and quiet, and I wanted the layouts to reflect that. All the pages needed were a few colored papers and a few subtle patterns.

With these done, I have two more sets to scrap until I'm finished! I'm very excited to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. It will probably be about 20 more 2-page layouts, and I'm hoping to have them done in the next few weeks. 

Even though I lost my motivation for a week or so, taking a break allowed me work on a few other pages, and spend some time doing some other things besides scrapbook. When scrapbooking starts to feel like work then it's time to take a break - sometimes that break lasts a few days, sometimes longer. And that's okay. That's what is great about scrapbooking - there are no time constraints, no right or wrong ways to do it, no deadlines. Just pick up where you left off, or start something new - you'll be glad you did.

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