Thursday, March 24, 2016

Tackling the Next Project - Puppy Pictures

A little over a year ago we welcomed a beagle puppy into our family. The first few months that we had him, I took A LOT of photos. Like more than I could even bear to edit or go through or print. So they've sat in a folder on my computer for the last year and I finally got through them, and edited and printed those I want to put into the scrapbook. I printed about 200 photos, and now they need to find a home in a scrapbook.

I decided to do a dedicated album for this, since I had an extra album, and putting them in with my yearly family photos would have required getting another rind-bound album for the year. So, our little dog Scout will get his own baby book of sorts..."Scout's First Year."

I completed the cover page for the album today, and am about ready to start tackling all of the photos. 

I'm hoping that I can get all of the photos done in about 20-30 2-page layouts, and complete the album in the next week or so. I purchased two dog themed scrapbook kits, and I have no idea if that will be enough to make the album, but it is a start. These are the last remaining photos from 2015 that I have to scrapbook, then 2015 will be complete! So, off we go!